TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SALES popularly known as TASS was established in 1979 with a small beginning as dealers in Scientific Instruments.
TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SALES popularly known as TASS was established in 1979 with a small beginning as dealers in Scientific Instruments.
Instruments supplied by "TASS" conform to various Indian as well as International Specifications. We also develop tailor made instruments...
TASS is a preferred choice of many reputed companies due to quality of equipments, technical expertise, accurate advise as well as post sales service.
Autolevel Model, “Bosch” GOL 26D. Magnification 26X and Accuracy 2mm with Tripod & Staff
Compression Testing Machine, Capacity- 250kN. Hand Operated, with Two Pillar type Load Frame & a separate Hand Operated Pumping Unit 15cm dia. Pressure Gauge 0 – 250kN x 1kN. Fitted on load frame or pumping unit with our own calibration certificate traceable to National Standards.
CIM-631: Concrete Test Hammer, as per IS:13311-1992 reprinted 1995, “N” type with carrying case, Rubbing Stone (Small) with our own calibration certificate.
Mould for 5 cm cube with base plate, made of Cast Iron, as per IS : 4031 (Part-I), IS :10080-1982
Electronic Digital platform Scale, Load Cell Based, Suitable For Operation On 230 Volts, 50 Cycles Mains. Supplied With Battery Backup. Capacity up to 500kg
Walk in Solutions for testing & Surveying Instrumentation.
In time quality service.
For best value best service.
Good people to provide to take care of your technical services.
Innovative sales for variety of technical products with best prices.
M/s. Technical And Scientific Sales has supplied us various Laboratory Testing Equipments for our Bitumen Hot Mix Plant at Yerawda, Pune. The equipments are giving satisfactory performance at site as well as at laboratory. We look forward to associate with TASS in our upcoming projects in the future.
M/S Technical and Scientific Sales(TASS), Mumbai., is our trusted supplier for Material Testing and Surveying Equipment required for our Project. The quality of the Equipment supplied, their after sales services, co-ordination is good and satisfactory.
M/S Technical and Scientific Sales is one of our preferred Vendor for supply of Material Testing and Surveying Equipments across India for over last twenty years. The quality and after sales & services and co-operation from their team members is satisfactory.
M/S Technical and Scientific Sales is our preferred vendor over fifteen years. They have successfully supplied and supported us in after sales at various locations across the country. We are happy with the quality of the equipments and services of M/s TASS. We have always found the team co-operative & eager to help.
With ref to supply of equipments from TASS for our geotechnical laboratory at Navi Mumbai. In this regard, we would like to appreciate machine's performance and support given by TASS team to us. The equipments are giving satisfactory performance at site as well as at laboratory. We look forward to associate with TASS in our upcoming projects in the future.